Refugio E Mariscal

Cartographer & Geospatial Data Analyst

Currently a cartographer at Encyclopædia Britannica and freelance cartographer/GIS professional. I have experience and primary interests in web mapping, data analysis, cartography, and conservation. I focus on projects that contribute to social and environmental good.
I've made lots of maps and handled data for leading conservation orgs such as the National Audubon Society and American Forests.

Expertise & Specializations

> Cartographic Design
> Data Analysis & Visualization
> Conservation

Technical Proficiencies

> Programming & Analysis
R, Python, SQL, Jupytyer Notebook
> Web Mapping & Design
ArcGIS Online (Survey123, Hub, StoryMaps, Dashboards, Experience Builder, Field Maps), ArcGIS Pro, QGIS, Mapbox, OpenStreetMap, Leaflet, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WordPress, Adobe Illustrator, Figma, Affinity Designer

Bison Range Timeline

R Shiny/GIF Map

QGIS, R Studio, Leaflet, Affinity Designer 2

Map of Earthquake risks in Mexico City

CDMX Sísmos

Static Map, Data Visualization

QGIS, R Studio, Affinity Designer 2

Map of Audubon Great Lakes project sites

AGL Project Sites

Static Map

ArcGIS Pro

Map of IL Waterways by Stahler stream order

Illinois Waterways

Static Map


Map of spring peak bird migration in the Grand River Coastal Corridor

Spring Peak Bird Migration

Static Map

ArcGIS Pro

Marsh Bird Data Hub


ArcGIS Hub, ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Experience Builder, ArcGIS Dashboards, Survey123

Race & Toxic Air Pollution in NW Indiana

Static Map

ArcGIS Pro, Adobe Illustrator

Calumet Indiana Marsh Bird Observations

Data Visualization

R Studio

Colonial Nesting Waterbirds in NW Indiana

Story Map

ArcGIS StoryMaps, ArcGIS Online

Bike Rides

Web Map

ArcGIS Experience Builder, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Field Maps

Project Mapper

GIS Web App

ArcGIS Experience Builder, ArcGIS Online, Survey123

Motus Range & Viewshed Analysis

Static Map

ArcGIS Pro

Let's make some maps

Reach out or find me at:
